Monday, September 7, 2009


[I always title my posts before I write them. But that's like writing a book title before it's written. Usually I write about many things more than the title indicates. So, I've decided to title my entries after the fact from now on. This matters to no one but myself.]

I had a wonderful, teeny bit stressful Labor Day Weekend.

Friday was spent in class for the most part during daylight. It was a good class. I got my first real experimentation time with my new camera. Dumb me didn't figure out that the freakin' lens can be focused AND zoomed. Manual is SO much better than automatic. Although I can see the importance of automatic when you're shooting quickly. The night was spent with Michael and Mila. (So much cuter to call her Mila instead of Aijah when I'm referring to it with another M name, haha!) We made hotdogs at 2am, had a photoshoot at 3am, and finally crawled, or in Mila's case: stumbled into bed at 5am. It was a good, good night as the Black Eyed Peas said it was going to be.

Saturday AijahMila and I woke up and got ready to head home. I took some boxes and some things to donate home so this whole moving process will be easier. It's positively dreadful though. This is the fourth time we've had to move in 2 freakin' years. Once into Bayou, once out of Bayou and home for two weeks. One into AMLI which was actually thoroughly enjoyable because I was so freaking excited, and now this time - moving back home. On the way home, Aijah and I went to Pappasito's and had what was in my opinion the best lunch ever. I owe her 18 dollars though because I am currently b.r.o.k.e. Dave Ramsey was forgotten this week, apparently. On the way to my house after that, I heard my car making a thumpy noise. I exited, and pulled over at the Room Store off Brittmoore and I-10. Turns out I had a flat tire! Awesome! So I call my mom and we find out that she did not renew my AAA like she thought she did. So, while I'm talking to her I have to pee so bad (because I drink ice tea like I breathe air) and decide to go into the Room Store to relieve myself. While still on the phone, I get my camera and Mac Book to put them in my trunk and because I'm distracted and flustered I LOCK MY FREAKING KEYS IN MY CAR WHILE IT'S RUNNING. Now, realize - this is the THIRD time I have done this! UGHH So instead of the $45 it would cost to change my tire, it cost $80! Seriously, it look him less than a minute to unlock my door, too. SO DUMB. And then! My debit card was declined for some reason, then Daniel and I's joint account got declined for some reason (must be on there end if neither worked) so I have to go into the Room Store again to get cash. Ughhh just a fiasco. And today, I found out that they DID charge the joint account. AND I gave them cash!! At the moment, I still have my little donut tire on my car and I have to go to Discount Tire tomorrow at 8 to get it all fixed again. Which means, I have to go in late, which means less hours, which is definitely NOT what I need right now! But anyway...that's life I suppose. But, when I got home, I got a lot accomplished on my room though. The closet is cleared out, and I have about 10 bags of stuff to donate, and another 10 bags of trash! Haha. It was baaad. But in my defence, my room wasn't even really mine - it became the dumpster for all "IDon'tKnowWhereThisGoes" the past two years since I've been gone.

Then Sunday, I went to church and gave Molly the adorable UH shirts I got for her. I really want one now, too. It's hot pink and has the simple athletics logo on it in white. Gotta get me some more money first, though! Daniel came over and helped me with my room some more.

Today, my mom and I cooked out on the grill. We had steak, sausage, macaroni salad, potato salad, and corn on the cob. Hah, we're so American. I don't know the need for macaroni and potato salad, but whatever - it was good! Daniel and Emmalie's non-boyfriend boyfriend Andrew came over. Danny and I somewhat finished my room too. I still need more black paint for the dresser and bookshelves, I need to paint the other 3 walls of chair rail, buy a huuuge pink rug to cover the ugly carpet and paint spots, and move everything else in! I'm giving Daniel my futon, too because he is currently bedless. Hah, poor thing's been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for months, now! After that I read 10 pages (not much , lol) in my entrepreneurship book and it actually wasn't that dreadful. I realized that I do have a test on FRIDAY though! Goodness. Didn't realize it was coming up that quickly!

Chelsea (Popp) called me today. She's transferring to UH and wants to do graphic design!!! That's exciting but she has no idea about the programs and stuff, so she's coming over tomorrow to see UH and so I can explain how it all works. It's confusing when UH offers 3 freaking programs for graphics! I also talked to my mom about going back to school and she said it's something she'd definitely want to do if she can once Emmalie graduates! YAY! That would be awesome, right?! Just imagine, me running a company with my mom! Haha. sweet.

Also, I've started farming again. The boredom of studying makes farming look just perfect. But now I'm so behind everyone haha.

I found these cuuuute rhinestone bobby pins in Emmalie's room and I might just have to steal ....uhhhh I mean BUY... them from her. Adorable. I would wear these things everyday, forrrealll.

I am still totally and completely in love with my DSLR. It's just wonderful.

Also, I wordled this post haha. Thanks Jamie! I even used it on my website!!

1 comment:

John, Jamie, Hailey and baby Caleigh said...

Katie you are sooo cool! Enjoy the time you have right now because they will be the best pre-marriagebabywork memories you have!! College was one of the funnest times of my life! I love your blog!!

Oh and you need to post more pics! Picassa has a great FREE collage creator!!