By request of the wonderful Jamie Anderson, I've decided to give up on the occasional sporadic xanga or facebook post and bring my blogging life here. (Jamie, you should add me on Facebook, btw.)
Now is a good time to start, too. It's the first day of my junior year in college at UH. I absolutely it and can't wait to get started. It's going to be A LOT of work, but I'll make it! It's not necessarily hard work, but a freakin' lot of work.
In addition, it's been quite a summer for me. God's been stretching me in ways I never thought I'd go. I went through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University with Daniel at the beginning of last year and it has thoroughly changed my life. I have decided to move back home to Katy with my mom. It's not worth it to take out any more loans just to live closer to school when it's not terribly far as it is. I just need to suck it up and realize that two years of driving further everyday is going to be SO worth it in the long run. The 12,000 I would spend these next two years in rent would follow me for decades after graduation, and I just don't want that. Luckily, I have a rather large amount of scholarship money and that covers tuition.
However, this year (of course the year I decide to not take out any more loans) I am an upperclassman, and a full fledged College of Technology student. SO: My classes are super expensive because they're 3000 level with lots of fees, and tuition is always rising anyway. So, I will owe about $1,000 out of pocket for my tuition. And that's just this semester. But, I have the right mindset (thanks to Dave Ramsey) about handling my money and I'll be able to pay it by working. So, I didn't fill out the FAFSA, I'm not getting a Stafford Loan, or any other type of aid. I just have to keep repeating, "it WILL all be worth it!" =)
In addition, I have been having this feeling that God has been working away at me slowly and brought me to a point yesterday where I finally needed to be. I won't go into too much detail, because it's really a long story - but basically, I'm at a good place right now. I'm trying to push myself to read more and more about who my God is. I'm trying to push myself to learn how to love the agape kind of love He gives us. I'm trying to push myself to have even more of a servant's attitude. Being closer to the church throughout the week will be helpful too. I've always felt like sort of an outsider (as weird as that sounds) in the church because when I came into it I wasn't able to participate in much because of money and because my mom didn't like to take me places or let other people give me rides. And then college came, and I moved away (ish) and I don't know - I just never felt "in." Anywayyyyy...
I need to start praying for my mom more hardcore-ly. I don't think that is a word, but she is having a rougher time than she even knows. I don't even know where to begin with her - but I pray that someday she can see that He is the only thing she really needs.
I'd also like to mention how awesome and amazing and faithful God is in relation to Daniel and I. We have been together over three and a half years now and get closer and closer by the day. We're trying to practice disciplines that will be beneficial later like in financial areas, spiritual areas, etc. The only one we really can't experience first is a baby. Unless Molly or Jamie would like to volunteer theirs for us to use! Haha, we'll gladly babysit! Lol.. anyway - I know we're meant to be together, he's the "one," and we're going to live a great life together. I'm not saying I've got it all figured out or anything - I just know that God has something great in store for us, and no matter what we go through we'll always be able to cling to the true, pure joy that Paul talks about in Philippians. I can't wait to call him my fiance and then my husband! When that happens though depends on him; so I will wait - because I really have no other choice. =)
Yea, I think that's it for now. More to come, promise!